As you draw new 2D geometry, you can use the options on the Auto-Dimension page of the IntelliSketch dialog box to add dimensions automatically.
Choose the IntelliSketch command located on the Home tab→IntelliSketch group or the Sketching tab →IntelliSketch group.
On the Auto-Dimension page of the IntelliSketch dialog box, select Automatically Create Dimensions For New Geometry.
Set the other dimensioning options that you want IntelliSketch to use as you draw.
Choose a drawing command.
Move the cursor around on the drawing sheet to find IntelliSketch relationships. Click when IntelliSketch recognizes a relationship you want to use for the element you are drawing.
As you draw the element, the appropriate dimension type is attached to it. For example, when you draw a circle, a diameter dimension is added automatically. When you enter the second point of a line, a length dimension is displayed.
Move the cursor to position the dimension with respect to the element, and then click to place the dimension.
You can turn auto-dimensioning on and off using the Auto-Dimension command .
IntelliSketch places relationship handles as you draw. These relationships are maintained when you modify the drawing.