Formatting callout text and border

Before you place a callout, you can format callout text using the options on the Callout command bar and the Callout Properties dialog box. You also can double-click an existing callout to edit it.

As you make changes to the callout, you can see the effect of each change in the Preview pane of the Callout Properties dialog box.

Callout border

You can use the following options on the Border page (Callout Properties dialog box) to format a callout border:

The border color and border line thickness are controlled by the Color and Line width options on the Text and Leader page. Changing the border color also changes the text color.

Callout text position

You can create multiline callouts using the Callout text and Callout text 2 boxes on the General page (Callout Properties dialog box) specify content above and below the break line.

You also can create multiline callouts by selecting the Fixed width--Wrap text option on the Border page.

You can use the Position options on the Callout command bar to specify the callout text position with respect to the break line:

Callout text behavior

You can specify callout width, or you can allow the content to determine the width of the callout. You can use the following options on the Border page (Callout Properties dialog box) to control the behavior of callout text within the callout box when the characters exceed the width of the callout box:

Callout text size

In the Callout Properties dialog box, you can use the following options on the Text and Leader page to change the size of the callout text:

For PMI callouts, you also can change PMI text size interactively using the Pixel Size PMI and Model Size PMI commands.

Callout text alignment

You can control the alignment of the callout text using the Horizontal Alignment, Parallel Text, and Invert Text options on the Callout command bar:

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