Property Text source list (Source: From Active Document)

The source you select in the Select Property Text dialog box determines the source of text placed in callouts, balloons, title blocks, and tables. It also determines which properties you can select in the Properties list.

For example, when the file referenced by the Select Property Text dialog box is set to "From Active Document," you can choose from the list of properties defined in this table.




Displays the date that the document was last opened or copied. This information is read from the file system.

To extract date and time, add syntax from the following table: Date and time format of property text.


Displays the attributes of the current document: Read-Only, Archive, Hidden, or System.


Displays the name of the person who created the drawing sheet.


Displays the category or other classification. The list of available categories is stored in an external text file, Propseed.txt, which is located in the Solid Edge Preferences folder. You can edit this file to add more categories to the default list.


Displays comments about the current document.


Indicates the company name.


Displays the date the file was created or copied. This information is read from the file system.

To extract date and time, add syntax from the following table: Date and time format of property text.

Creating Application

Displays the name of the application that created the document.

Document Number

Displays the drawing number. The list of available document numbers is stored in an external text file, Propseed.txt, which is located in the Solid Edge Preferences folder. You can edit this file to add more document numbers to the default list.

File Name

Displays the name of the document and the file extension, for example, .par, .asm, or .dft.

File Name (full path)

Displays the name of the document with file extension and file location.

File Name (no extension)

Displays the name of the document without the file extension.


Displays the sheet metal gage.


Displays a list of words that identify the document when you browse or search documents. The list of available keywords is stored in an external text file, Propseed.txt, which is located in the Solid Edge Preferences folder. You can edit this file to add more keywords to the default list.

Last Author

Displays the name of the document author.

Last printed date

Displays the date the document was last printed.


Indicates the manager of the author or project.


Displays the date the document was last modified. This date is updated each time the file is saved.

To extract date and time, add syntax from the following table: Date and time format of property text.

Number of Sheets

Displays the total number of sheets in the document.

Origination Date

Displays the creation date of the file referenced by the parts list, callouts, or annotations. This date is maintained by aSolid Edge property and is paired with Author.

To extract date and time, add syntax from the following table: Date and time format of property text.


Displays the name of the project for which the document is being created. The list of available project names is stored in an external text file, Propseed.txt, which is located in the Solid Edge Preferences folder. You can edit this file to add more project names to the default list.

Revision Number

Displays the revision number of the document. This revision number is read from the Project tab of the File Properties dialog box. This field can store more characters than Revision Number On Summary Page.

Revision Number On Summary Page

Displays the revision number that is stored in the File Properties dialog box that you see when you right-click a Solid Edge file in Explorer and then click Summary tab-Advanced button.

 Saving Application

Displays the name of the application that most recently saved the document.

Sheet name

Displays the name of the drawing sheet.

Sheet number

Displays the sheet order number in the current drawing.

Sheet scale

Displays the working drawing sheet scale of the sheet where the property text is displayed.

The scale values are stored in the Drawing View Scales section of an external text file, Custom.xml, which is located in the Solid Edge Preferences folder. You can edit this file to add more scale values to the default list.

See the Help topic, Add custom drawing view scales to Solid Edge.


Displays the current document state or point in its life cycle. The Status property identifies status by number rather than by the text string used by the Status Text property.

The cross reference between number and text is as follows:


Status Text




In Work


In Review







Status Text

Displays the current document state or point in its life cycle. The Status Text property identifies status by text string rather than by the number format used by the Status property.

When displayed on the drawing, Status Text values may be any one of the following: Available, In Work, In Review, Released, Baselined, Obsolete.

For more information about document status as it relates to the document life cycle, see the Help topic about the Status Tab of the File Properties dialog box.


Gives a general description of the current document.


Displays the name of the document template that was used to create the document.


Displays the title of the current document. The list of available titles is stored in an external text file, Propseed.txt, which is located in the Solid Edge Preferences folder. You can edit this file to add more titles to the default list.

Many of these properties are common across all property text sources, which are:

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