Select Property Text dialog box

Property text strings retrieve file or model-related data and display it in dimensions and annotations, parts lists, tables, and drawing view captions. The Select Property Text dialog box specifies the type of information to be retrieved and the source file to be referenced. When a property text string is resolved, its property value is displayed.

The Select Property Text dialog box is displayed when you click the Property Text button , which is located on various dialog boxes and command bars, such as the Callout Properties dialog box, the Balloon command bar, on the Balloon tab of the Parts List Properties dialog box, and on the Block Label Properties dialog box.

Not all dialog box options and text properties are available in all environments.


Lists the names of source files available for reference. When you select a file name, a graphical preview is displayed in the Preview pane on the dialog box.


Displays a graphical preview of the reference file highlighted in Parts.


Use the list control at the top to specify the types of properties to display in the Properties box.

The property types are as follows:

  • From active document

    Specifies that property values are retrieved from the active file.

    Click here for a list of the properties that can be retrieved when the source is From Active Document.

  • Variables from active document

    Specifies that property values are retrieved from variables in the Variable Table for the active file.

  • Named reference

    Specifies that property values are retrieved from the reference file currently highlighted in Parts.

  • Index reference

    Specifies that property values are retrieved from the history based index of model files inserted into the drawing. You can see the sequence of inserted files in Parts.

  • From graphic connection

    Specifies that the property values are retrieved from one of the following:

    • Retrieves property values from the top assembly.

    • If the annotation is connected to a part in a subassembly, information is retrieved from the subassembly.

    • If the annotation is connected to a part in a top level assembly, it displays information from the part. From Graphic Connection provides access to top level assembly information. In assembly documents, it retrieves property values from the top level occurrence, whether the occurrence is an assembly or a part file.

    • From graphic connection to part

      Specifies that property values are retrieved from the part to which the annotation is connected.

  • From drawing view

    Specifies that property values are retrieved from variables in the drawing view.

    Click here for a list of the properties that can be retrieved when the source is from drawing views.


Adds the property selected in the Properties list to the Property Text box.

To select one or more properties, click a property name and then click the Select button to add it to the Property Text box at the bottom of the dialog box. You also can double-click the property to add it to the list.

Property Text

Shows the property text string to be resolved. If multiple property text strings are selected, they are displayed in a linear list. When resolved, the value for each property is displayed in the annotation.

The property text strings are of the following formats:

  • In Active Document - String is %{value}.

  • Variables From Active Document - String is %{<variable name>|V}.

  • Named Reference - String is %{<value>|<file name>}.

  • Index Reference  - String is %{<file name>|(R1)}, where R1, R2, R3, etc., refers to the sequence of files inserted into the drawing and listed in Parts.

  • From Graphic Connection - String is %{<value>|G}.

  • From Graphic Connection to Part - String is %{<value>|GP}.


Copies the property text string(s) listed in the Property Text box to the clipboard.

Symbols and Values

Opens the Select Symbols and Values dialog box for you to generate the appropriate symbols and model-derived values without having to type the property text codes yourself. Examples of the types of symbols you can select include ± (plus minus), ° (degree), and Ø (diameter). Examples of model-derived values include hole references, bend data, and weld beads.

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