Lock Dimension Plane command bar

The active dimension and annotation plane is displayed in red-brown half-highlight when you select a dimension or annotation command.


Cancels setting the active dimension plane.

Activate Part

Makes a part in an assembly available for defining the active dimension plane. This option is only available in assembly models.

Create-From Options

Sets the method of defining the active dimension and annotation plane.

  • Coincident Plane--Specifies that you want to define a plane that is coincident to an existing reference plane or a planar face on the part. When you set this option, a default X-axis and direction is applied to the new reference plane. You can use keyboard accelerators to define a different X-axis and direction for the new plane.

  • Parallel Plane--Specifies that you want to define a plane that is parallel to an existing reference plane or a planar face on the part. When you set this option, you can specify the parallel offset distance. When you set this option, a default X-axis and direction is applied to the new reference plane. You can use keyboard accelerators to define a different X-axis and direction for the new plane.

  • Angled Plane--Specifies that you want to define a plane that is at an angle to an existing reference plane or planar face on the part. When you set this option, you can specify the angle value you want.

  • Perpendicular Plane--Specifies that you want to define a plane that is perpendicular to an existing reference plane or planar face on the part.

  • Coincident Plane By Axis--Specifies that you want to define a plane that is coincident to an existing reference plane or a planar face on the part. When you set this option, you define the X-axis and direction for the new reference plane using a linear edge, a planar face, or another reference plane.

  • Plane Normal to Curve--Specifies that you want to define a plane that is perpendicular to a curve you select. This is the default option when constructing a helix using the Perpendicular option.

  • Plane By 3 Points--Specifies that you want to define a plane by three keypoints you select.

  • Feature's Plane--Specifies that you want to define a plane that is coincident to a reference plane used to define an earlier feature. You can select the feature you want using Feature PathFinder or in the graphic window. This option is not available in an assembly model.

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