Add a view to a block

The Add Block View command is available from the Block Library tab, Block Selection Pane.

This procedure explains how to create a block view from an existing block. For example, you can use this technique to show a switch changed from the open to closed position.

  1. (Open the Block Library) Click the Library tab, and then click Show Blocks.

  2. Drag the master block for which you want to create a new view onto the sheet to generate a block occurrence.

    For example, drag a switch master block onto the sheet.

  3. On the block occurrence shortcut menu, click Unblock to drop the block occurrence to its base elements.

  4. (Modify the graphics) Use any of the available drawing tools to edit the block graphics and add callouts, other annotations, and dimensions as needed.

    For example, edit the switch graphics so that the switch appears in the closed position.

  5. (Label the block) Choose Home tab→Blocks group→Block Label to add name-value properties to identify the block as a closed switch.

  6. (Add the Block View) In the Block Selection pane, right-click the top-level master block to which you want to add the block view.

    For example, right-click the master block switch you just placed and modified. Click Add Block View on its shortcut menu.

  7. (Select Block View Geometry) On the sheet, select the modified geometry by dragging a box around the block graphics, the label, and any other 2D elements as appropriate. To deselect an element from the group, press Shift when you click. Click Accept (green check mark) to indicate your selection is complete.

    For example, select the modified switch graphics that define the closed state of the block view.

  8. (Specify Block View Origin) In the document, click anywhere on the geometry or in free space to define an origin point.

  9. (Specify Block View Name) A default view name is displayed on the Block command bar. Type in the Name text box if you want to assign a different name to the block view, or leave the default name unchanged.

  10. Click Accept (green check mark) again to add the block view definition, or click Deselect (red x) to discard the input and start over.

  11. Click the Select tool or press Esc to exit block view definition mode.

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