Block command bar

The Block command bar is displayed when you select the Block command or select the Add Block View command from a selected block's shortcut menu.

Block Options

When creating a new block, displays the Block Options dialog box for you to enter block property names and values in a table. For block callouts and annotations, the "Block Property" property text string will read the string you enter in the Name field and display the value entered in the Value field. Click the From Graphic Connection source to see the "Block Property" property text. To learn how to use block properties, see Using Blocks.

When adding a block view to an existing block, the Block Options button is not available. To add or modify properties for a block view, use the Properties command from the block occurrence shortcut menu.

Select Geometry

Select the 2D geometry in the document that you want to include in the block or the block view.

Block Origin

Select an origin point that will be used to place the block in a drawing. The origin point can be in free space or on 2D  geometry.

Block Name

Displays the block name or the block view name. Names are assigned automatically. You can edit the name by typing a new name in the box on the command bar or by selecting the default name in the Block Selection Pane and using the Rename command on the shortcut menu.

Place Occurrence

Specifies that the block graphics can be replaced with the graphics of a block with the same name. This option is set by default. To lock the block graphics so they can not be replaced, clear this option.

This option is useful when you want to update an older representation of a switch (SwitchA) with an updated version of SwitchA. This setting enables you to replace one with another using the Replace command on the shortcut menu or by dragging and dropping blocks between files in the block library.

Scale Dimensions and Annotations

Specifies that dimension, annotation, and block label text associated with the block will be scaled with the block graphics. This option is set by default. To prevent text from being scaled, clear this option.

Deselect (x)

Discards all input and restarts the command. Clears any selected geometry and the definition criteria.

Accept (check mark)

Accepts the block definition criteria and adds the block name or block view name to the Block Selection Pane.

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