Bend Table Dialog Box

Length, Rotation, Radius, Angle Format

Displays a bend report that includes the bend number, feed length, rotation angle, and bend radius for all tubes in the select set.

X,Y,Z, Radius Format

Displays a bend report that includes the bend number, X,Y,Z points for the starting point, each next intersection point, and the ending point for the path, plus the bend radius for all tubes in the select set.

Start the Tube at 0,0,0

Enables all X,Y,Z points to be transformed relative to the origin of the bend path. This option is on by default if the X,Y,Z, Radius Format option is selected.

Output Files

Displays the name of the text file for the selected tube part. The .TXT file name is the same as the selected tube part.


Displays the bend output information, such as cut length, feed length, rotation angle, bend radius, and bend angle, for the selected tube.

Reverse Bend Order

Arranges the bend segments from the last bend segment to the first for the selected output file. It does not affect the Bend Number.

Save In

Specifies the drive and folder to which you want to save the document.


Accesses a dialog box that allows you to search for a document.


Saves the document to the displayed name and location.

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