Generating tube information

You can use tube properties to extract information to create such reports as bend tables, tube reports, and parts lists.

Outputting bend information

You can use the Bend Table command to create an ASCII text file that contains information about how to manufacture the tube. You can output the tubes as a select set or output them all at once. The information consists of columns of data such as feed length, rotation angle, bend radius, and bend angle.

Creating tube reports and parts list

You can include tube properties defined on the Tube Options dialog box in reports or parts lists. When you create a tube file, these tube properties are automatically stored in the tube file and are exposed so that they can be included in reports and parts lists.

For tube parts created in version 12 and earlier, the tube properties are added to the tube file when the tube is recomputed. You can use the WriteTubeFilePropertiesForReportsAndPartsList method on the Tube object in a Visual Basic program to automatically populate the tube files with the tube properties.

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