Open File dialog box

Controls how a document is opened. Not all options defined here are available in all environments.

Look In

Displays the drive and folder or site in which you want to search for the document or image you want to open. The system stores the last location you browsed in the Look In box.

After you use the Open File dialog box to open a document from an Insight-managed library, the path listed in the Look In box on the Open File dialog box will default to your local cache. When you open another managed document, you can select the document from the local cache list, and the document in the managed library is checked out and opened.

If you are opening a document that is managed by Teamcenter, this option displays the Teamcenter folder structure and does not show the cache path.

Go to Last Folder Visited

Returns to the last folder that you visited.

Up One Level

Accesses the parent folder of the folder currently displayed.

Create New Folder

Displays the Create New Folder dialog box.

View Menu

Controls the display method for the listed documents.

  • Thumbnails--Displays a thumbnail-sized image of the contents of each document or folder. If the folder contains multiple Solid Edge documents with graphical contents, then up to four graphical images are displayed on the folder thumbnail. Click the folder and then click the Open button to see additional thumbnails of individual documents in the folder.

  • Large Icons--Displays large icons to represent each document type.

  • Small Icons--Displays small icons to represent each document type.

  • List--Lists the names of the documents in columns.

  • Details--Displays a detailed view of the folder contents. The columns include Name, Size, Type, and Modified.


Determines the type of representation used in the Look-In control when you work with Teamcenter or Solid Edge SP managed documents. Changing the value updates the view in the Look-In display.

  • Full--Displays the Item, Item Revision, and Dataset on individual rows.

  • Intermediate--Displays the Item and Item Revision combined in one row. The Dataset displays on a separate row.

  • Basic--Default display. The Item, Item Revision, and Dataset are displayed on a single line.

Revision Filter

Controls the revisions of an item you see in the display list. The values available are: All, Latest, Released, Latest Released, and Latest 3.


When you use Search to find documents, the revision filter applies to searches on the Item.


Displays the Search dialog box so you can define advanced search criteria for the document you want to open.

If you are working with managed documents, the Search dialog box for managed documents is displayed.

Document list

Lists the folders and documents you can open. In a managed environment, columns of information are displayed containing document property information.


Displays an image of the selected document if a preview image was saved for the file.


Displays the properties of the selected document in the right pane.


Specifies the name of the file you want to open.


In the message field at the bottom of the dialog box, a message displays the availability of the currently selected unmanaged file. The availability may be: Read Write, Read Only, or Unknown. The message changes depending on the current status of the file.

Files Of Type

Specifies the type of files that you want to list.


For managed documents, you have the option to choose Items with No Solid Edge Documents. This option displays Item Revisions that contain non-Solid Edge datasets (for example, .pdf or .xls), or those that do not contain any dataset.


Specifies a revision rule for updating links when you open a managed document.

  • Teamcenter default - Opens the document using the revision rule defined as the default by the TC_config_rule_name Teamcenter preference.

  • As Saved - Opens the document and updates the links as it was last saved.

  • Latest - Opens the document and updates the links to the latest revision in the system.

  • Latest Released - Opens the document and updates the links with the latest released revision.

  • External System - Opens the document and updates links with revisions specified by an external system.

  • Version from Cache - Opens the document from your cache. No document transfers take place between the document library and your local cache resulting in optimized performance. When Version from Cache is chosen in conjunction with the Solid Edge Option Always Synchronize to Get Latest Version, the latest version of the direct document is copied from the server to the cache and indirect documents are opened directly from the cache.

If you are opening a document that is managed by Teamcenter, you can select from all of the revision rules available in Teamcenter in addition to those listed here.


This control is not available if you select a non-managed document, a document that is checked out, or if you are working offline.


Specifies the variant rule used when opening an assembly from Teamcenter. If no variant was saved with the assembly, the option is grayed out. The variant rule is assembly-specific and is cleared if you select a different assembly.

Open as Read-Only

Opens a document with read-only privileges.

For Teamcenter-managed documents, use the Open as Read-Only options under Check-Out Information on the Open File dialog box.

First Level Read-Only

Sets the direct document with read-only privileges. All indirect documents are opened with write privileges.

All Levels Read-Only

Sets all levels of the document with read-only privileges.


Displays the translation options.


Displays the selected assembly structure in a BOM view. This is helpful when determining which files need to be loaded to cache. The option is only available when working with Teamcenter.

Check-Out Information

This portion of the Open dialog box is only available when working with Teamcenter-managed documents.

Open as Read-Only

Specifies that you want to open a read-only copy of the selected document. You can choose from the First Level Read-Only or All Levels Read-Only.


Specifies a reason you are checking out the document.

Change ID

Displays the Change ID for the selected document.

Stop Open if Rule Not Matched

Specifies that you want to stop the open process if the system does not find a revision that matches the specified rule. This option is not available with Teamcenter managed documents.

Assembly open as

Determines with what options assemblies are opened. The default settings are defined on the Assembly Open As tab of the Solid Edge Options dialog box.


Uses the options defined on the Assembly Open As dialog box for opening your assembly.


The ranges shown here are the default settings on the Assembly Open As dialog box. These numbers can vary based on your definitions. The Assembly Open As options are not available with the Solid Edge Viewer or when using the Insight Connect Viewer.

Small Assembly

Defined as less than 50 number of unique components.

Medium Assembly

Defined as between 50 and 1000 unique components.

Large Assembly

Defined as greater than 1000 unique components.

Last Saved

Opens your assembly based on how it was last saved.

Hide All Components

Specifies that all the components in the assembly are hidden when you open it. When working with Insight or Teamcenter managed documents, the next level of reference documents is downloaded to the cache. When you open an assembly with all components hidden, the assembly will open faster. This can be especially useful when working with large assemblies.

When you open an assembly with Hide All Components selected, the subassembly listings in PathFinder are collapsed. You can expand the next level of reference documents by clicking the + or by using the Expand command on the PathFinder shortcut menu. Selecting Expand All from the PathFinder shortcut menu will expand all branches and download them to cache. For more information, see the Working with large assemblies efficiently Help topic.

Part activation

Specifies how you want to open an assembly (.asm). When this option is blank, the active or inactive status of the parts is determined by the last save. When you open an assembly with parts inactive, the assembly will open faster.

Activate All

Specifies that all parts in the assembly are active when you open the assembly. This option is set when you enable Apprentice Mode on the Solid Edge start up screen.

Inactivate All

Specifies that all parts in the assembly are inactive when you open the assembly.

In some cases, parts that have associative links to other parts will still be activated when you open the assembly. For example, parts with inter-part links, adjustable parts, flexible pipes, fastener systems, and so forth may be activated to ensure that the linked geometry is up to date. This typically occurs when a part is modified outside the context of the assembly, and that part is a parent in an associative operation. When the assembly containing the child part is opened, the child part must be activated to update the link information properly.

Last Saved

Specifies that all parts in the assembly are opened as they were last saved.

Part simplification

Allows you to specify how you want to open an assembly that contains simplified parts. When this option is set, you can specify whether the parts in the assembly are displayed using the simplified or designed version. When this option is cleared, the simplified or designed status of the parts is determined by the last save. When you open an assembly with parts simplified, the assembly will open faster. This option is available when opening an assembly document.

Use All Design

Specifies that all parts in the assembly that have simplified versions defined are displayed as designed when you open the assembly.

Use All Simplified

Specifies that all parts in the assembly that have simplified versions defined are displayed simplified when you open the assembly.

Last Saved

Specifies that all simplified parts in the assembly are opened as they were last saved.

Subassembly simplification

Allows you to specify how subassemblies are displayed when you open an assembly. When this option is set, you can specify whether the subassemblies in the assembly are displayed using the simplified or designed version. When this option is cleared, the simplified or designed status of the subassemblies is determined by the last save. When you open an assembly with subassemblies simplified, the assembly will open faster. This option is available when opening an assembly document. For more information, see Simplifying assemblies.

Use All Designed

Specifies that all subassemblies in the assembly will display using the designed version when the assembly is opened.

Use All Simplified

Specifies that all subassemblies in the assembly that have simplified versions defined are displayed simplified when you open the assembly.

Last Saved

Specifies that all subassemblies in the assembly are opened as they were last saved.

Apply Simplified Assembly Override

Allows you to specify how you want to apply the display configuration. When this option is set, you can specify whether the parts in the assembly are simplified or designed when you apply the display configuration. When this option is cleared, the simplified or designed status of the parts is determined by their status when the configuration was saved. This option is not available in the Teamcenter environment.

Top-Level Assembly

Specifies that all top-level assemblies that have simplified versions defined are displayed simplified when you open the assembly.

All Subassemblies

Specifies that all subassemblies in the assembly that have simplified versions defined are displayed simplified when you open the assembly.

Activate Drawing Views For Edit

Specifies that draft documents are opened with normal editing capability. All commands are available. Drawing views, parts lists, model-derived drawing tables, and other items are checked to determine whether they are out of date. Model geometry is live and accessible.

Active mode is the default open mode for draft documents.

Inactivate Drawing Views For Review

Intended for drawing review and printing, specifies that draft documents are opened in fast-open mode. In a managed environment, Inactivate Drawing Views For Review prevents linked 3D documents from being downloaded to cache. In all draft documents, it deactivates parts lists and model-derived tables so they cannot be selected and edited. It does permit limited manipulation of drawing views, dimensions, and annotations.

This command sets the document to inactive mode, and displays an Inactive watermark on the 2D Model sheet and all working sheets in the document.


The Activate Drawing Views and Inactivate Drawing Views commands on the Tools tab-->View Activation group let you switch between active mode to inactive mode while the document is open.

Save As Default

Specifies that the document open settings are saved as the default, and are used the next time the Open dialog box is displayed. This is useful when opening documents using Windows Explorer.

For example, in assembly documents, you can set the Hide All Components option, then click Save As Default. All assembly documents you open from Windows Explorer will then open with all the parts hidden, which improves assembly document open performance. This is useful when working with large assemblies.

Draft documents you open from Windows Explorer will open with drawing views inactive if you set the Inactivate Drawing Views For Review option and then click Save As Default.

Another example is setting the Open as Read-Only check box, then clicking Save As Default. The Open dialog box has the Read-Only check box set as the default the next time it displays.


Lists the available display configuration names. This option is available when opening an assembly document (.ASM) that has an associated configuration file. A display configuration stores the show/hide status of the parts contained in the assembly. An assembly that has had parts hidden will open faster.


Lists the available zone names. This option is available when opening an assembly document (.ASM) that has zones defined. A zone stores the show/hide status of the parts that are within the zone volume.

For more information, see Using Zones in Assemblies.


Specifies the body that is displayed when opening a sheet metal file. You can open the design body, flat body, or both.


This option is only available when opening a sheet metal file in View and Markup.

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