Show border outline
Displays a border around the callout text.
Gap between border and text
Horizontal ____ x Font size (Text Clearance gap from dimension style)
Specifies the space between the callout text and the left and right sides of the callout border.
This value may also be set using the Text Clearance gap box on the Spacing tab in the Dimension Style dialog box.
Vertical ____ x Font size (Vertical Box gap from dimension style)
Specifies the space between the callout text and the top and bottom edges of the callout border.
This value may also be set using the Vertical box gap on the Spacing tab in the Dimension Style dialog box.
Text Control
You can combine the following options to specify how callout text size is managed within the callout text box.
Fit width to contents
Automatically sizes the width of the callout box to its contents. Use this option to ensure that resolved property text always fits into an allotted space, such as in a title block cell in a drawing border.
When the Fit border width to contents option is selected, edit handles are not available for changing the callout width.
Fixed width
For Draft callouts, maintains the width of the callout to be exactly the value specified in the adjacent box.
For PMI callouts, the callout width is determined by the initial content. You cannot predefine a value in the Width box.
Use the following options to specify how the callout text is adjusted to the specified width.
Automatically adjust aspect ratio
Changes the width of the characters in the callout text, without changing their height. The new aspect ratio is applied to all of the characters in the callout text box, not just the characters that exceed the specified callout width.
Calculated aspect ratio
Displays the current aspect ratio of the characters in the callout.
Wrap text
Automatically word-wraps the text that extends beyond the specified line width. A new line is started each time one or more characters in a word exceed the width of the callout box.
Use this option to ensure the text wraps or unwraps when you resize a callout using edit handles, or when you resize a callout by changing the value in the Width box.