Main Steps
Plane Step
Defines the plane on which the profile is constructed and creates a default profile automatically when you select a thickness edge. After the default profile is constructed, you can modify it by clicking the Profile Step button on the command bar.
Profile Step
Modifies the default flange profile.
Offset Step
Offsets the flange from the selected edge. You can offset a flange towards the part or away from the part.
This button changes function as you move through the feature construction process. The Finish button constructs the feature using input provided in the other steps. Once you construct the feature, you can edit it by re-selecting the appropriate step on the command bar. The Cancel button discards any input and exits the command.
command bar Options
Flange Options
Accesses the Flange Options dialog box so you can set the flange construction options.
Material Inside
Positions the flange on the inside of the profile plane. Overall part length remains the same.
Material Outside
Positions the flange on the outside of the profile plane. Overall part length increases by the material thickness.
Bend Outside
Positions the flange and the bend on the outside of the profile plane. Overall part length increases by the material thickness plus the bend radius.
Full Width
Constructs the flange along the full width of the edge you select.
Constructs a flange that is one-third of the edge width and that is centered on the edge you select. You can edit the dimensional value of the flange width later and the flange remains centered on the edge. To modify the flange so it is not centered on the edge, you must open the profile window and add a dimension.
At End
Constructs the flange starting at the end you select.
From Both Ends
Constructs the flange width using dimensions from both ends of the edge you select. The default width is one-third of the edge width.
From End
Constructs the flange using a dimension from the end of the edge you select. When you select this option you must also specify the end of the edge from which you want the dimension to originate.
Sets the type of keypoint you can select to define a feature extent or to position a new reference plane. Use this option to define the feature extent or the location of the reference plane using a keypoint on other existing geometry. The available keypoint options are specific to the command and workflow you use.
Selects any keypoint. |
Selects an end point. |
Selects a midpoint. |
Selects the center point of a circle or arc. |
Selects a tangency point on an analytic curved face such as a cylinder, sphere, torus, or cone. |
Selects a silhouette point. |
Selects an edit point on a curve. |
Sets the length of the flange. This box accepts only positive values.
Step Value
Increments or decrements the value displayed in the Length box. For example, typing a step value of 0.25 and moving the cursor away from the start point would increment the flange length from 0.25 to 0.5, 0.75, and so forth.
Inside Dimension
Positions the origin of the flange length dimension on the inside of the existing material.
Outside Dimension
Positions the origin of the flange length dimension on the outside of the existing material.
Specifies the bend angle for the feature. The value must be greater than zero and less than 180 degrees.
Displays the feature name. Feature names are assigned automatically. You can edit the name by typing a new name in the box on the command bar or by selecting the feature and using the Rename command on the shortcut menu.
Offset Step Options
Offset Flange
Offsets the flange by a specified distance from the selected edge.
Match Face
Matches the flange orientation to a selected target face.
No Offset
Creates a flange with no offset from the selected edge.