In addition to the standard part properties—such as Title, Document Number, and Material—you can define custom properties in part and sheet metal documents, and display them in your parts list and other reports.
You can add a Vendor column to the parts list on an assembly drawing by first defining a custom property for Vendor in the part files.
You can create a custom property named Category, and assign custom property values, such as Fitting, Fastener, and Purchased Part. In the Draft document, you can add a Category column to the parts list, and then insert blank rows and formatted subtitles to group the parts list into each of the categories. As a final step, you can sort the parts list by Category.
Open the part file and choose the File Properties command.
You must do this for each part that you want to show in the parts list.
You also can define part properties without opening the part or sheet metal document in Solid Edge. Select the document in Windows Explorer, and then click the Properties command on the shortcut menu.
In the File Properties dialog box, click the Custom tab.
On the Custom page, in the Name box, type a name for the custom property.
To include the vendor name in a parts list, type Vendor.
To group a parts list by category, type the Category.
From the Type list, select the Text property.
In the Value box, type a value for the custom property.
Type one of the following:
For the Vendor property, type the part vendor name.
For the Category property, type Fitting, Fastener, or Purchased Part.
Click Add, and then close the File Properties dialog box.
Save the document.
To display the custom property in a parts list, continue with the following procedure.
Open the draft document that contains the parts list.
If there is no parts list on the drawing, use the Parts List command to generate one. To learn how to create a parts list, see Create a Parts List.
Select the parts list, and on the command bar, click Properties.
In the Parts List Properties dialog box, click the Columns tab.
On the Columns tab, from the Properties list, select the custom property.
To add the vendor name to the parts list, click Vendor.
To add the part category to the parts list, click Category.
Click Add Column.
The custom property column is added to the Columns list.
Use the Move Up and Move Down buttons as needed to move the column containing the custom property into the desired position in the column order.
Click OK to close the Parts List Properties dialog box and update the parts list.
You can insert blank rows into the table structure to add white space. Blank rows are affected by sorting, however, so you should complete the table layout before you add the rows that you want to remain blank. (The table is sorted automatically whenever you click a different tab in the Parts List Properties dialog box.)
If you subsequently change the part or assembly document, you must update the parts list in the draft document using the Update command on its shortcut menu.
Update a table or view
Example: Show sheet metal material thickness in a parts list