Block Occurrence Selection command bar

The Block Occurrence Selection command bar is displayed when you select an existing block in the active document.

Line Color

Sets the line color of the block occurrence.

Line Width

Sets the width of block occurrence line segments.

Line Type

Sets the type of block occurrence line segments.


Displays the Block Properties dialog box for you to enter or edit block occurrence property names and values in a table.

Block Scale

Displays the current scale of the block occurrence. You can enter a number greater than zero, or you can select a previously used scale value from the list.


Displays the name of the selected block occurrence.


Displays the name of the block view used by the selected block occurrence, if there is more than one view of the master block. A drop-down list lets you choose a different view, which immediately replaces the graphics in this block occurrence.

If there is only one view associated with the selected block, then the View field is not available.

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