Set options for commonly-used weld symbols.
Dimension Style Mapping
Specifies that the setting on the Dimension Style tab of the Options dialog box determines the dimension style. When you set this option, Dimension Style is unavailable.
Dimension Style
Lists and applies the available styles. This control is unavailable when Dimension Style Mapping is enabled.
Text scale
Applies a scale value to the current text height. Increasing or decreasing the scale changes the overall text size. The default value is 1.0.
Defines or applies weld symbol property settings. To define or save settings, click the button to access the Weld Symbol Properties dialog box. To apply a saved setting, select the arrow and then select the name of the setting you want to apply.
Specifies the orientation angle of the weld symbol and break line.
Tie To Geometry
Allows you to extract weld symbol labels created in an assembly document into the draft document. When you set this option, drawing view edges that have weld labels applied in the assembly document are highlighted so you can extract the labels into the draft document.
Set Dimension Plane
Sets the active dimension plane for the creation of PMI dimensions and annotations. The active dimension plane controls how values are calculated and how the text is displayed.
Activate Part
Makes a part in an assembly available for selection and for dimensioning and annotating. This option is only available in assembly models.